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630-377-3241 455 Dunham Road, Suite 200, St. Charles, IL 60174
March 5, 2015

Mom Needs to Move Closer? Time to Protect Her Assets

The cost of long term care is more than just financial. Our aging loved ones face the challenge of change and the caregivers add more to their plate of responsibility. To lessen financial and emotional stress, Strohschein Law Group can help you maximize private assets, increase access to public benefits, and ultimately enhance quality of life for everyone involved. We can help, we do this everyday for our clients.

5 Questions to Ask Before Making Gifts for Medicaid or Tax Planning

Many seniors consider transferring assets for estate and long-term care planning purposes, or just to help out children and grandchildren. Gifts and transfers to a trust often make a lot of sense. They can save money in taxes and long-term care expenditures, and they can help out family members in need and serve as expressions of love and caring. But some gifts can cause problems, for both the generous donor and the recipient.

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