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630-377-3241 455 Dunham Road, Suite 200, St. Charles, IL 60174

Housing Options: Are They All Nursing Homes?


Yesteryear offered two housing options for seniors: your own home or a nursing home. Today there are many options and the list continues to grow. Learn the differences between the various types of communities and facilities, including monthly fees, up-front costs, contracts and questions you should ask. Click on the link below to register.  


What is Your Plan B?


Plan A usually includes spending our last dollars and dying peacefully in our sleep. But Plan A rarely happens. Plan B might include getting care in your home, moving to a nursing home, or anything in between. Join the discussion to learn how to develop your own Plan B and maximize your goals. Click on…


How to be an Executor for Your Loved One’s Estate


Wrapping up the affairs for a loved one who has died may leave you feeling overwhelmed - especially when you are still grieving. Being named executor in a will can be a big job. Join us as we walk you through the process and share tips on how to get the job done right. Click…


Medicaid 101


Long-term care in a skilled nursing facility is very expensive and most people are not able to sustain the cost of it for very long.  An alternative for many people is to apply for Medicaid and receive assistance from the State and Federal Government.  Join us as we discuss Medicaid’s eligibility requirements and application process.…


Dementia Types: Development, Differences & Diagnosis


Dementia has a way of never touching just one person. It takes over the mind of the sufferer and the life of the caregiver, one subtle backward step at a time. But there is hope! Whether your life is touched by dementia or not, join us for this very informative workshop covering the development, differences,…

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