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630-300-0627 455 Dunham Road, Suite 200, St. Charles, IL 60174
December 14, 2018

Keeping the Jolly in the Holiday

A Caregiver’s Guide to When a Family Member has Dementia Our Friends at Elderday Center in Batavia are a great resource for families with Dementia related issues. Enjoy these tips from the Elderday Center to make your holiday with a loved…

Senior Scams
October 11, 2018

11 Recent Senior Scams in the Area

Senior citizens have become increasingly attractive scam targets for con artists because they have a “nest egg,” own their home, and tend to have excellent credit.  In addition, people who grew up in the 1930’s, 1940’s, and 1950’s were generally…

November 16, 2017

New Yorker Article Highlights Abuses in the Guardianship System

Serious problems with the public guardianship system in the United States can lead to elder abuse, according to an in-depth article in The New Yorker titled “How the Elderly Lose their Rights.” Court-appointed guardians can take control of an elderly person’s finances and…

Social Security
October 18, 2017

How to Reverse Medicare Surcharges When Your Income Changes

What happens if you are a high-income Medicare beneficiary who is paying a surcharge on your premiums and then your income changes? If your circumstances change, you can reverse those surcharges. Higher-income Medicare beneficiaries (individuals who earn more than $85,000)…

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