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630-300-0627 455 Dunham Road, Suite 200, St. Charles, IL 60174

Passing on Assets Outside of Probate: PODs and TODs

For a variety of reasons, people sometimes want some or all of their assets to pass directly to specific individuals upon their deaths, outside of probate. One way to accomplish this is to set up a “payable on death” (POD) account for money in a bank account or a “transfer on death” (TOD) account if funds are in a brokerage account.

May 26, 2015

Decisions to Make for Your Power of Attorney

Executing a power of attorney is not as simple as it first seems. It is important to have a qualified elder law attorney help you. The team at Strohschein Law Group offers the quality, compassion and experience required to help you, or a loved one, put your personal affairs in order.

SNT Payments Cause Section 8 Ineligibility

This case from Massachusetts details that the section 8 housing agent informed plaintiff Ms. DeCambre that she was no longer eligible for Section 8 because the trust had disbursed more than $60,000 during the year for her car, phone, Internet, veterinary care for her pets and travel expenses. A hearing officer upheld the BHA’s decision. Find out why.

March 16, 2015

White House Proposes New Rules to Protect Investors Saving for Retirement

Americans may lose as much as $17 billion every year because of bad financial advice from advisors with conflicts of interest, according to a report by the President’s Council of Economic Advisors. President Obama has proposed new rules to change this and require financial advisors to act in the best interests of their clients. The move is designed to increase the amount investors receive in retirement.

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