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630-300-0627 455 Dunham Road, Suite 200, St. Charles, IL 60174
Estate Planning Basics: What is an Executrix?
March 9, 2023

Estate Planning Basics: What Is an Executrix?

When people make wills, they nominate someone to handle their estates and carry out their wishes after passing away. These individuals are known as personal representatives, administrators, executors, or executrixes. Executor vs. Executrix An executrix is a female executor. Trix is a…

Estate Planning at a glance
March 2, 2023

Estate Planning: An At-a-Glance Overview

Estate planning, or legacy planning, entails preparing your affairs for the future, including death and other life events. While older adults might give more thought to estate planning, it is an essential tool at any age. Why It’s Important With…

Who can Override a Power of Attorney?
February 16, 2023

Who Can Override a Power of Attorney (POA)?

A power of attorney (POA) is a legal agreement that gives a person (agent) the ability to act on behalf of another person (principal). A common question asked about POAs is under what circumstances a person can override them. POAs can…

Does Power of Attorney End at Death?
February 2, 2023

Does Power of Attorney End at Death?

A power of attorney is a powerful planning document that enables you (the principal) to give another person (the agent or attorney-in-fact) the power to act for you while you are alive. Because it is often prepared in the context of…

What Are the Benefits of Having a Testamentary Trust?
January 26, 2023

What Are the Benefits of Having a Testamentary Trust?

There are various benefits to creating a testamentary trust. This article discusses the benefits of adding a testamentary trust to your estate plan. What Is a Testamentary Trust? A testamentary trust allows a testator to manage wealth by giving a trustee instructions…

What does the term "Decedent" mean?
January 11, 2023

What Does the Term “Decedent” Mean?

“Decedent” is a legal term that refers to a person who has died with unsatisfied legal obligations. At the end of their life, a decedent has some legal duties that must be fulfilled through a representative. For example, decedents remain…

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