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630-300-0627 455 Dunham Road, Suite 200, St. Charles, IL 60174
May 15, 2012

Common Misconceptions About Trusts

A trust is an agreement that you have with yourself that sets out the instructions for how your money will be managed both during your lifetime and after your passing. In many cases, individuals will benefit from having a trust, but not everyone needs to have one. However, the more you know about trusts, how they work and what their benefits are, the easier it is to understand if you need one or not. The following are common misconceptions about trusts.

March 19, 2012

Common Estate Planning Mistakes – Celebrities Make Them Too

When it comes to estate planning, wills and inheritance arrangements, it’s what most people DON’T know or do – celebs and non-celebs alike – that can cause the most harm. Although we don’t like to think of our own death or disability, these are a few lessons from Hollywood and throughout history where a little planning really could have gone a long way.

March 8, 2012

Living in a Digital World Means We Have Digital Assets

Digital assets are any file on your computer in a storage drive or website and any online account or membership (John Conner, Texas Tech University School of Law). If you have ever saved a file onto a computer, made an online account, or downloaded a song from iTunes, then you have a digital asset.

September 2, 2011

Estate Tax Portability

In the past, we’ve advised married clients to divide their assets between their revocable trusts in such a way as to “equalize” their estates. The reason for this was that we could not know who would pass away first and we wanted to be sure that each spouse could maximize his or her individual exemption allowed under the law. In December 2010, President Obama signed the new tax law to take effect for January 2011 through December 31, 2012, which provided that married couples could elect to combine their individual $5 million exemptions to a $10 million joint exemption for the couple, so that a surviving spouse could apply the predeceased spouse’s unused exemption upon the survivor’s death.

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