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630-300-0627 455 Dunham Road, Suite 200, St. Charles, IL 60174

9 (Potential) Problems with Your Trust

It’s a useful exercise to make sure that you understand what is in your trust. Other issues, particularly those related to tax issues, will require consulting with Linda Strohschein. We are hosting a free lunch and learn about the different types of trusts and how to best reach your estate planning goals this Thursday, January 23rd. RSVP today!

Should You Sign a Nursing Home Admission Agreement?

Admitting a loved one to a nursing home can be very stressful. In addition to dealing with a sick family member and managing all the details involved with the move, you must decide whether to sign all the papers the nursing home is giving you. Nursing home admission agreements can be complicated and confusing, so what do you do?

December 5, 2013

A Day in the Life of an Elder Care Coordinator

So on a given day, I may be asked to speak with a family member and schedule a time to visit a client in their home to help determine needs and more effectively offer resource information. I then communicate with the legal team to coordinate next steps, ensuring that the best plan for that particular individual is executed, with essential legal documents in place.

October 23, 2013

Long-Term Care.. Know Your Options

Strohschein Law Group strives to counsel their clients to manage their independence as long as possible. Meeting with Linda Strohschein to discuss options and design a plan that best suits your needs or the needs of a loved one will give everyone involved the peace of mind to enjoy life to its potential.

Dealing with a Deceased Loved One’s Debt Collectors

Once a loved one passes, several tasks come to hand for the family. The majority of these tasks involve expenses and they quickly add up. First and foremost is the task of laying your loved one to rest. The average cost of a funeral is between $8,000 – $12,000. Perhaps the loved one set up a pre-paid funeral arrangement or had a life insurance policy that could cover these expenses and outstanding debts. Probate is the process to collect assets, pay bills and issue distribution to the beneficiaries. Please enjoy this article provided to us from Elder Law Answers on paying debt from an Estate.

Avoid Horror Stories of Probate

Probate occurs when…
Probate will be required when the Decedent leaves assets over $100,000 to be collected that does not name a beneficiary, a joint tenant or co-owner. Probate begins any time following death and will last for a minimum of six months. Probate can extend for many years based on the parties and the issues involved.

Make Decisions While You Can!

While the paperwork is vital, especially when family members disagree, family discussion can be even more important. Advance Directives should be part of a broader discussion, including how do you want to be cared for and by whom, where do you want to live and what do you want out of your final years?

Time is of Essence..Are you ready for the cost of Long Term Care?

Planning ahead for your own disability is a difficult step to take because no one wants to believe it can happen to them; but it can happen. Take a look at the following article we found on Know your options and put a plan in place. Strohschein Law Group is hosting a FREE one hour Lunch&Learn workshop – “Life Care Planning – Getting and Paying for Good Care When You Need It” on Tuesday, June 18th starting at Noon. It’s better to prepare for what your options can include before getting in the tangled web of bureaucracy explained below.

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