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630-377-3241 455 Dunham Road, Suite 200, St. Charles, IL 60174
Estate-Planning-When- You-Have-a-Stepfamily
November 4, 2019

Estate Planning When You Have a Stepfamily

Ideally, when a second marriage joins two families together, it should be a joyous occasion that creates one bigger family unit. Unfortunately, it too often also creates inheritance fights between stepparents and children. A good estate plan is necessary to…

Powers-of-Attorney-Come -in-Different-Flavors
October 3, 2019

Powers of Attorney Come in Different Flavors

A power of attorney is a very important estate planning tool, but in fact there are several different kinds of powers of attorney that can be used for different purposes. Before executing this crucial document, it is important to understand…

August 8, 2019

Don’t Leave Children Unequal Shares By Mistake

Siblings do not always receive equal shares of a parent’s estate. Sometimes the inequality is intentional and sometimes it is accidental. Regardless of how it happens, it can cause arguments among the children. However, there are some steps parents can…

April 24, 2019

10 Reasons to Create an Estate Plan Now

Many people think that estate plans are for someone else, not them. They may rationalize that they are too young or don’t have enough money to reap the tax benefits of a plan. But as the following list makes clear,…

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